The Booty Report

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Ahoy mateys! Avdiivka be takin' a mighty blow, aye, ye could say it be in the death throes! Arrr!


As the sun set on the final battle in Russia's long siege, a hearty crew of landlubbers still lingered in Avdiivka. Those few scallywags who managed to flee in the eleventh hour spun tales of utter mayhem and destruction. Arrr, what a tale to tell over a tankard of rum!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen to this tale of woe from the land of Russia's long assault on the town of Avdiivka. Aye, there be hundreds of poor souls still left in the town, facing the wrath of the enemy. The few who managed to escape in the final weeks be tellin' stories of relentless devastation, me mateys.
The enemies be showin' no mercy, destroyin' all in their path. The civilians be sufferin' greatly, with no end in sight to their plight. It be a sad and tragic time for the people of Avdiivka, me hearties.
But fear not, for there be hope on the horizon. The brave souls who have escaped be spreadin' word of the horrors they have witnessed, rousin' others to action. The tide may be turnin', and the people of Avdiivka may yet see justice served on their oppressors.
So let us raise a toast to those who have escaped, and to those who still remain in the town. May their courage and resilience inspire us all to stand up against tyranny and fight for a better tomorrow. Arrr!

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