The Booty Report

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Chilly Dips and Snuggling with Furry Creatures: Capturing the 'Grand Showmen' on Film, arrr matey!


Arrr mateys! Avast ye! The New York Times Magazine be spyin' on them famous scallywags in their off hours. See how these swashbucklers spend their time between plunderin' and pillagin' on the silver screen. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold!

Arrr mateys, have ye been wonderin' what them fancy celebrities be gettin' up to in their downtime? Well, buckle yer swash and listen up, 'cause The New York Times Magazine be comin' out with a new project that be showin' us just that! They be catchin' all them buzzin' actors durin' awards season, and showin' 'em in their element, arrr!
Ye can see Johnny Depp feedin' his parrot, or Keira Knightley walkin' the plank in her spare time. And let me tell ye, it be a sight to behold! These swashbucklin' stars be showin' us that they be just like us landlubbers, enjoyin' a bit o' fun when they ain't battlin' on the silver screen.
So next time ye be thinkin' that them celebrities be livin' a life o' luxury and glamour all the time, just remember that they be spendin' their downtime just like us, arrr! And thanks to The New York Times Magazine, we be gettin' a peek behind the curtain and seein' the real treasure that be hidden in the lives o' these famous folk.

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