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Ye olde German space commander be sayin' Russian nuclear weapon could scuttle the whole world! No survivors, arrr!


Arrr, the head honcho of German Space Command, Maj. Gen. Michael Traut, be mighty worried about them scallywags in Russia cookin' up a space weapon to be blastin' our satellite treasures! Aye, we best be keepin' a weather eye on 'em!

The commander of German Space Command, Maj. Gen. Michael Traut, expressed concerns about a potential Russian nuclear weapon detonating in orbit, which could devastate the global commons of space. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Traut emphasized the catastrophic consequences of such an event, highlighting the end of usability for satellites and the economic fallout in various sectors.Ludwig Möller of the European Space Policy Institute also warned of trillions of dollars in losses if commercial satellites were knocked out. Despite the development of space commands by countries like Germany, France, and the UK, concerns about Russia's activities in space persist.While White House adviser John Kirby downplayed the immediate threat of Russia's anti-satellite nuclear weapon, House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Mike Turner issued a cryptic warning about a serious national security threat. The White House confirmed the development of a space-based anti-satellite weapon by Russia, which would violate the Outer Space Treaty.The Kremlin dismissed the reports as a fabrication, adding to the uncertainty surrounding Russia's space capabilities.

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