The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy judge! Trump be cursin' yer name after bein' fined a treasure worth $355 million! Aye matey!


"Avast ye scallywags! The court be a jumbled mess," bemoaned the scurvy former captain, facin' felony charges in four other cases and bein' found liable in civil cases fer business fraud, sexual assault, and defamation. Arrr, the seas be rough indeed for this landlubber!

Arrr mateys, the former president be complainin' 'bout our court system bein' a mess! Aye, ye heard right, this scallywag be facin' felony charges in four other cases! And that ain't all, he's been found liable in civil cases for business fraud, sexual assault, and defamation. Blimey, this pirate be up to no good!
But me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there. Just 'cause ye may be holdin' a high position, it don't mean ye be above the law. The seas be rough, but justice will prevail in the end.
So next time ye think about breakin' the law, remember the fate of this former president. Walk the plank, ye scurvy dog! And may the sharks of justice feast on yer misdeeds!

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