The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ursula von der Leyen be lookin' to stay put as the head honcho of the E.U.! Aye, matey!


Arrr matey, that German politician be holdin' the title o' European Commission president since 2019. He be a key scallywag for the Biden crew. Aye, he be steerin' the ship through these treacherous waters! Aaarrrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, there be a German politician who's been wearin' the fancy title of European Commission president since 2019. Aye, he's become quite the important chap, a key contact for the Biden administration, no less!
Yarrr, can ye believe it? Aye, this politician be sailin' the high seas of European politics, steerin' the ship like a true captain. And now, he's catchin' the eye of them Biden folks across the ocean.
But let me tell ye, mateys, this ain't just any ol' politician. No, no, he's a clever one, a sly one, knowin' how to navigate the treacherous waters of international diplomacy. Aye, he's got the smarts and the savvy to strike deals and forge alliances like a true pirate of old.
So keep an eye on this German politician, me hearties. He may be wearin' fancy clothes and speakin' fancy words, but underneath it all, he's a swashbucklin' politician who knows how to make waves in the world of European politics.

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