The Booty Report

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Arrr, Navalny's lass be claimin' them scallywags be draggin' out the investigation like a treasure hunt! Aye matey!


Arrr mateys, the lassie speakin' for Aleksei Navalny be blabberin' that his mum and landlubbers be denied a peek at his carcass once more. 'Tis a scurvy move, methinks! Who be keepin' his body under lock and key, I wonder? Aye, the plot thickens!

Arrr, Navalny's lass be claimin' them scallywags be draggin' out the investigation like a treasure hunt! Aye matey!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a dark day indeed when the mother and lawyers of the brave Aleksei Navalny be denied access to his body. 'Tis a cruel jest played by those scoundrels who seek to silence the voice of the people.
They be treatin' him like a prisoner in the brig, keepin' him from his kin and legal counsel. 'Tis a violation of his rights as a free man!
The landlubbers who deny him this basic dignity be no better than the barnacle-covered bilge rats that infest the seas.
But fear not, me hearties! The spirit of Navalny be strong, and his supporters be rallyin' to his cause. The cries for justice be heard across the seven seas, and we shall not rest until he be freed from the clutches of those who seek to silence him.
So let us raise our tankards in solidarity with the brave Navalny, and send a message to those who would deny him his rights: Ye may try to silence him, but ye shall never extinguish the flame of freedom that burns within his heart!

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