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Arrr! Argentina be sufferin' from a 57.4% poverty rate, aye, tis a sight worse than a squall on the high seas!


Arr mateys, the land of Argentina be sufferin', with poverty levels hittin' a 20-year high of 57.4%! 'Tis a rough sea for President Javier Milei to sail, only one month into his voyage. Mayhaps he be needin' a compass and a treasure map to navigate these treacherous waters! Arrr!

Arr matey! The land of Argentina be in a right pickle, with poverty levels soaring to 57.4%, a figure not seen in nigh on 20 years, according to them Catholic scholars. Aye, the new President Milei, bless his libertarian heart, be blamed for this mess, with his devaluation of the peso causing prices to rise faster than a ship in a squall.But fear not, for President Milei be a man of his word, promising to turn the ship around and steer it to calmer waters. Since taking office, he's been slashing jobs and privatizing state-owned companies faster than a sword through a rum barrel.Despite the rough seas ahead, the President be determined to see his plan through, even if it causes a financial "shock therapy" for the landlubbers. With annual inflation at a staggering 143% and debts piling higher than a pirate's treasure chest, the road ahead be treacherous.Yet, with a January budget surplus finally in sight after years in the red, there be a glimmer of hope on the horizon for the good ship Argentina. Let's hope President Milei can steer her safely to port before she becomes lost at sea.

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