The Booty Report

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Arrr! The lass be blamed for the deed that sent her mate to Davy Jones's locker, aye!


Arrr me hearties, Martine Moïse, the widow of Captain Jovenel Moïse, be accused by a scurvy dog judge of plotting in his untimely demise. She be wounded in the treacherous attack, may the seadogs who did this rot in Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scallywags! The widow of the President Jovenel Moïse, Martine Moïse, be in hot water! A Haitian judge has accused her of being in cahoots with the scurvy dogs who murdered her matey. Arrr, she also be wounded in the attack, aye.
Ye see, this be no ordinary tale of love and loss. This be a tale of treachery and deceit! Could it be that the fair Martine be involved in a plot to take down the cap'n of Haiti? Ye best believe it, me hearties!
Now, I ain't one to gossip, but word on the high seas be that Martine be playin' a dangerous game. Some say she be a pawn in a larger scheme, while others whisper that she be the mastermind behind it all. Aye, the plot thickens faster than a barrel of rum!
So, gather 'round, me mateys, as we witness the drama unfold. Will Martine be able to clear her name and prove her innocence? Or will she walk the plank and face the wrath of justice? Only time will tell in this swashbuckling adventure on the high seas!

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