The Booty Report

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Arrr! Syria be pointin' fingers at Israel for the destruction in Damascus, aye matey! Blimey, what a scallywag!


Arrr, Israel be keepin' mum about the scuffle, yet they be admittin' to givin' a good swashbucklin' to many a Iran-connected ship in Syria waters afore. The seas be a treacherous place indeed!

Arr matey, Israel be keepin' mum 'bout the attack on them Iran-linked targets in Syria. But let me tell ye, they've been takin' out them targets left and right for a long time now. Hundreds of strikes they've acknowledged, and likely plenty more they haven't even admitted to.
But aye, Israel be like a sneaky pirate, sailin' in and strikin' when ye least expect it. Them Iran-linked targets best be watchin' their backs, for Israel be showin' no mercy when it comes to protectin' their own interests.
So next time ye hear of a strike in Syria, just remember it might be them crafty Israelis up to their pirate tricks again. And who knows what other surprises they have in store for their enemies in the future.

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