The Booty Report

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Arrr! The tiny isle be battle'n fer control o' .nu on th' web, arrr! Hilarious, says I!


Arrr mateys! The South Pacific isle of Niue be claimin' they were hornswaggled out o' their rightful .nu domain, a treasure that be bringin' in doubloons from across the seven seas! Aye, it be a tale as tall as a mast, but aye, 'tis true!

Arrr! The tiny isle be battle'n fer control o' .nu on th' web, arrr! Hilarious, says I!

Arrr, mateys! Ye won't believe the tale of the South Pacific island of Niue and its domain name .nu! Ye see, those scallywags on the other side of the world swindled Niue out of its rightful booty. They took .nu and turned it into a treasure trove of gold doubloons!
But Niue wasn't about to let those landlubbers get away with their dastardly deed. They cried foul and demanded their fair share of the spoils. And who can blame them? A domain name as rare as .nu should fetch a pretty penny, or a shiny piece of eight!
So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye pirates out there. Keep a weather eye on yer domains, lest some scurvy dogs try to hornswoggle ye out of yer rightful plunder. And remember, in this digital age, even a humble island like Niue can lay claim to its own piece of the internet seas. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum for Niue, the true captain of the .nu domain!

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