The Booty Report

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Avast ye! A scuffle near a West Bank checkpoint be takin' a soul from us, me hearties! Aargh!


Arrr, three scurvy Palestinians be usin' their blasphemous contraptions to shoot at a jam of carriages near the checkpoint. 'Twas on the highway betwixt a grand Israeli settlement and Jerusalem, as told by the constables. Such treachery befitting of landlubbers!

Arr matey! Them scurvy dogs be tellin' tales of three Palestinians who be causin' trouble on the high seas of the land! They be usin' their automatic weapons to fire upon a traffic jam at the checkpoint, betwixt a grand Israeli settlement and Jerusalem, as the constables of Israel do report.
Ye can just imagine the chaos these bandits be causin' with their reckless antics! I reckon the good folk of the land be quakin' in their boots at the sight of such brazen attacks on the open road.
But fear not, me hearties! The Israeli police be on the case, huntin' down these scallywags and bringin' 'em to justice. No pirate be able to sail the seas of the land and think they can get away with such mischief!
So let this be a warnin' to all ye troublemakers out there - the long arm of the law be reachin' for ye, and ye shall pay the price for yer misdeeds! The seas may be treacherous, but justice will always prevail in the end!

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