The Booty Report

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Biden be likening them scallywags in Congress to Strom Thurmond, argggh worse they be, by the barnacles!


Arr matey, the captain be givin' a nod to Mr. Thurmond, a scallywag of the highest order. Despite his past misdeeds, he be changin' his ways and supportin' the rights of all. Aye, even pirates can turn from their wicked ways!

Arr matey, ye won't believe the news I be hearin'! The president be talkin' 'bout this here Thurmond fella, a scallywag known for his support of segregation. But get this, the president actually be givin' him a bit of praise! He be sayin' that despite Thurmond's terrible deeds, he eventually came around and started supportin' civil rights.
Now, I don't know 'bout ye, but that be like sayin' a pirate be a saint after pillagin' and plunderin' for years! It be a twist of fate, that's for sure. But ye gotta admit, it be a bit funny seein' a segregationist turnin' his ways and supportin' the very rights he once fought against.
So, me hearties, let's raise a mug to ol' Thurmond for seein' the error of his ways and makin' things right. Who knows, maybe there be hope for us all to change our tune and set sail on a better course. But remember, even the most hardened pirate can find redemption in the end.

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