The Booty Report

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Arrr, the lass Begum be denied her British loot! Walk the plank she must! Ahoy, justice prevails!


Arrr mateys, the court be keepin' Ms. Begum in a state o' limbo, like a scurvy dog walkin' the plank. She be stuck in a refugee camp, with no flag to call her own. Shiver me timbers, what a jolly ol' mess!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The scurvy appeals court has made a decision that poor Ms. Begum, who be stuck in a refugee camp in Syria since 2019, be left high and dry without a country to call her own. Aye, she be walkin' the plank of statelessness, with no flag to fly nor crew to sail with.
It be a cruel fate, ye see, for a lass who be lookin' for a safe harbor in troubled waters. But the court be sayin' that she be havin' no right to come back to her homeland, and no other country be willin' to take her in. Aye, 'tis a rough patch she be in, with no treasure map to guide her to safety.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to poor Ms. Begum, a lone sailor adrift on a sea of uncertainty. May she find a friendly port to call home, and may she never again be left to wander the seven seas without a flag to fly high.

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