The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for the 2024 SAG Awards - find a spyglass and tune in on the ship's screen!


Avast ye, ye scurvy dogs! The awards be streaming live on Netflix for the first time, aye! Set yer eyes on the horizon for a preview of the key Oscars races. And mark me words, Barbra Streisand be joinin' the crew as well. Arrr!

Arr matey, gather 'round and listen up ye scallywags! The awards show be streaming live on Netflix for the first time, so ye can watch from the comfort of yer own ship. And mark me words, this be a key preview of the grand Oscars races ahead!
But that ain't all me hearties, for the lovely Barbra Streisand be makin' an appearance as well. Aye, the talented lass herself will be there to add a touch of glamour and charm to the proceedings. So batten down the hatches and prepare for a night of spectacle and excitement!
So gather yer crew, fill yer tankards, and get ready to cheer on yer favorite films and actors. 'Tis sure to be a night to remember, with surprises and thrills aplenty. And who knows, maybe we'll even see a few pirates walkin' away with some shiny trophies of their own! So raise yer Jolly Roger high and set sail for a night of entertainment fit for a king...or a pirate!

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