The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The bilge rats be caught with Iranian weapons! 'Tis a fine mess, me hearties! Arrrr!


Avast ye scallywags! Four lubbers with Iranian booty were caught by Yankee soldiers on the high seas! Two brave souls met Davy Jones' locker in the skirmish. 'Twas a mighty battle indeed!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, four scallywags have been charged after the U.S. Navy caught them red-handed in the Arabian Sea with a boat full of suspicious Iranian-made weapons, mateys. Two brave Navy SEALs lost their lives during the daring intervention, a tragedy that sent shockwaves across the high seas.The U.S. Justice Department declared war on these scurvy dogs, aiming to send a message to the pesky Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The Assistant Director of the FBI made it clear that any attempt to harm U.S. folks overseas will not be tolerated, ye landlubbers!The Navy, with its trusty SEALs and Coast Guard crew, boarded the vessel and made a grim discovery of advanced Iranian weaponry fit for a pirate's worst nightmares. The scallywags onboard were no match for the might of the U.S. military, who brought them to justice in the Eastern District of Virginia.These treacherous men face charges of transporting warheads to aid the Houthi rebels and providing false information to the Coast Guard, a crime that will surely see them walking the plank in no time. The Navy's search for justice continues, as they strive to keep the high seas safe from these threats.

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