The Booty Report

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Arrr, the King's court be sayin' the young scout be unlawfully killed on his treacherous journey afoot!


Avast ye scallywags! The King's court hath decreed that the demise of a young lad on a Scout voyage be deemed foul play, with the Scouts now under scrutiny. Ye best be watchin' yer step on yer next adventure, lest ye too be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Arr, ye scallywags! A jury in the U.K. has found that a poor 16-year-old lad met his demise on a Scout trip in 2018 was unlawfully killed, and now the Scout Association be under investigation by the British police, yarrr!Poor Ben Leonard suffered a serious head injury when he slipped on a cliff edge and fell 200 feet during a hike with his fellow Scouts in Llandudno, north Wales, in August 2018.During the inquest, it came to light that the lad and his mates had wandered off unsupervised onto the ledge, with no qualified first aider in sight, a clear violation of Scout rules for expeditions, arr!The jury be pointin' fingers at a Scout leader and his assistant for the lad's death, as well as blamin' the neglect of the Scout Association for contributing to the tragedy, aye.The coroner be so angered by the lack of information from the Scout Association that he be sendin' them and one of their own to the North Wales Police to be investigatin' for possible conspiracy, arr!Despite the Scout Association's apology and changes to safety rules since the incident, Leonard's mother be claimin' it be too late, callin' for more oversight of the Scouts, aye!Lawyers be revealin' that there have been 12 deaths related to the Scouts in the past 30 years, a grim reminder of the dangers of the high seas of adventure, mateys!

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