The Booty Report

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Former spy be walkin' the plank in the Federal Court in Las Vegas, arrr! Set yer spyglass on 'im, mateys!


Arrr mateys, the court be settin' sail to see if those scurvy prosecutors be havin' the authority to clap him in irons again. The government be shoutin' about keepin' national security safe and preventin' him from gallivantin' across the seven seas. Aye, tis a mighty curious tale indeed!

Arr matey! The scallywag be standin' before the courts, awaitin' to see if them landlubbers had the proper warrant to clap him back in irons. The government be spoutin' some nonsense 'bout protectin' the realm and preventin' the scoundrel from escapin' across the seas.
But me thinks there be more to this tale than meets the eye. Could it be that the government be playin' a game of cat and mouse with this here pirate? Tis a bold move to snatch him back from freedom, but who knows what treachery lurks in the hearts of men?
Will justice prevail or will the pirate once again slip through the fingers of the law? Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be certain, this be a tale worth tellin' around the rum-soaked tables of the taverns, aye!

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