The Booty Report

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Arrr! Them Spanish shipmates be cryin' foul on Cap'n Biden fer keepin' 'em in the dark 'bout border plans!


Arrr, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus be giving President Biden a right good scolding over whispers that he be thinkin' 'bout wieldin' his executive power on the borders. Methinks they be madder than a hornet in a hurricane! Aye, 'tis a right salty situation indeed! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, a key group of Hispanic House Democrats be complainin' about bein' left in the dark over reports that President Biden be lookin' at takin' executive action to crack down on the border crisis. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), led by Rep. Nanette Barragán, D-Calif., released a statement sayin' it be "unbelievable" that Biden would consider actin' unilaterally to limit the number of asylum-seekers tryin' to cross the border. She be compare it to "the same methods as former President Trump." CHC be opposin' unilateral attempts by the White House to change the asylum system and put human lives at risk. Barragán say CHC "has not been briefed or consulted on any executive actions bein' considered by the Administration." Biden be angerin' CHC members by effectively sidelinin' them in congressional border negotiations. When bipartisan Senate negotiators be workin' with the White House on a now-defunct border security and supplemental aid package, progressive members of CHC be criticizin' the measures and demandin' meetings to discuss the talks. CHC be unsatisfied with the deal for not includin' anything for Dreamers, young adults who be brought into the U.S. illegally when they were young and face deportation despite many not havin' been to their country of origin since fleein'. The White House be not immediately respondin' to a request for comment on the latest statement.

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