The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags tried to board our ship in the Red Sea, but we're still afloat, says the captain!


Arr, ye scallywags best beware! The Rubymar, bein' battered and towed to port in Yemen by them pesky Houthis. 'Tis a right mess, I tell ye! Keep a weather eye out for trouble, me hearties!

Arr matey, listen up! The Rubymar be in a right pickle, she be. The scurvy dogs known as the Houthis done gone and attacked her! They be rascally rapscallions, they be. But fear not, for the Rubymar be a sturdy vessel, she be. She be takin' on water, but she be stayin' afloat.
Arr, the Rubymar be gettin' towed to a port city in Yemen, she be. Aye, 'tis a rough journey ahead, but the crew be tough as nails, they be. They be fightin' off the sea monsters and keepin' the ship steady.
But mark me words, the Rubymar be makin' it to port, she be. And when she do, the crew be celebratin' like there be no tomorrow! They be drinkin' grog and singin' shanties, they be. The Rubymar may be battered and bruised, but she be a survivor, she be.

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