The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The villain be caught in the murder of the lass, Laken Riley! Walk the plank, scoundrel!


Arrr! The scallywag accused of spilling the blood of Laken Riley has been captured by the University of Georgia Police Department. Mayhaps he'll walk the plank for his misdeeds! Beware, ye landlubbers, justice be served on the high seas!

Ahoy mateys! The scallywags at the University of Georgia Police Department have captured a suspect in connection with the sad tale of a 22-year-old nursing student from Augusta University found dead on the UGA campus. According to the UGA announcement, there be no more danger lurking for the campus, for the suspect be in custody. The lass, Laken Riley, had previously sailed the seas at UGA before joining the nursing program at Augusta. The police be questioning anyone who may have seen something fishy around the Intramural Fields and Lake Herrick on the day of the incident.Arrr! When the officers found the poor lass with visible injuries, they tried to revive her but alas, she could not be saved. The scallywags suspect foul play and be scouring the land for more clues. The autopsy results be pending, but the authorities be treating this as a case of murder. Classes and events at both universities be canceled in memory of the lass. The lake where the incident occurred be under investigation, so steer clear, me hearties!The last time UGA had a murder case be 20 years ago, the Police Chief said. No immediate danger be lurking, but the investigation be ongoing to catch the culprit responsible for this tragic tale.

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