The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

List of victors from the SAG Awards in the year of our Lord 2024. A jolly good time for all!


Arrr! The moving picture be grabbin' the booty prize, with the scallywags Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. takin' home the solo acting treasures. Lily Gladstone and Da’Vine Joy Randolph be claimin' their own share of the spoils as well. Aye, a fine haul indeed!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The film be takin' the top booty, with Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. earnin' solo acting treasures. Lily Gladstone and Da’Vine Joy Randolph be snatchin' their own pieces o' gold as well. 'Twas a grand spectacle on the high seas of cinema, with swashbucklin' performances that be makin' us all laugh and cry.
Captain Murphy showed us his skill with a sword and a tear, while Captain Downey Jr. brought his charm and wit to the screen. Lily Gladstone and Da’Vine Joy Randolph proved they be no landlubbers when it comes to actin', deliverin' performances that be so powerful they could shiver yer timbers.
So raise yer tankard o' grog to these fine actors and their well-deserved prizes! May the wind be always at their backs as they sail on to new adventures and accolades. And remember, me hearties, the real treasure be the joy we find in watchin' such talented souls bring stories to life on the silver screen. Yo ho ho!

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