The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags of Hamas be signalin' no truce in sight fer th' Middle East squabble. Aye matey!


Arrr matey! Methinks that scallywag Biden be talkin' of a cease-fire, but them landlubber Hamas be sayin' they ain't received any new proposals. Arrr, tis a fine mess we've got here, aye! Them negotiations be slower than a snail on a sloth's back!

Arrr, me hearties! In the midst o' conflict, President Biden be speakin' of a cease-fire within a week. But them scurvy dogs of Hamas be sayin' they ain't seen no new proposals to move things along! Aye, the negotiations be draggin' on like a ship stuck in the doldrums.
Ye can almost hear the cannons firin' as the two sides argue o'er the terms of the truce. Will they finally see eye to eye, or will they continue to trade insults like two rival captains in a duel?
But fear not, me mateys, for there be hope on the horizon. The winds of diplomacy be blowin', and perhaps soon we'll see the white flag raised in surrender. Until then, we'll just have to bide our time and see how this tale of high seas adventure unfolds.

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