The Booty Report

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"Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis with 'Imaginary' and 'Lisa Frankenstein' that we defend PG-13 horror, arrr!"


Arrr, not every scallywag be needin' a tale o' terror that be sendin' shivers down yer spine. Here be why a gentler fright flick be still makin' ye jump out o' yer britches! Aye, even the mildest o' horrors be givin' a good wallop!

Arr matey! Ye may think that only the scariest of movies be worth watchin', but I'm here to tell ye otherwise. Aye, 'tis true that a good jump scare can make ye heart race and make ye feel alive, but sometimes a milder horror film can still give ye a good fright.
Think about it, me hearties. Not all of us be wantin' to watch a movie that goes to the darkest depths of horror. Sometimes a light scare be just enough to get the blood pumpin' and the adrenaline flowin'. It be like a gentle slap on the back rather than a punch in the gut.
So next time ye be lookin' for a good scare, don't be quick to dismiss the milder horror films. They may not have ye jumpin' out of yer seat, but they can still give ye a thrill and a chill. And remember, it be not always the size of the scare that matters, but the way it be delivered. Arr!

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