The Booty Report

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"Avast ye! A scurvy review of 'As We Speak': Rap Music on Trial. Lawyers be wieldin' lyrics like cutlasses in court!"


Arrr matey, this here tale by J.M. Harper doth decry the injustice of using dastardly lyrics as evidence in court. 'Tis a scurvy trick to condemn a man based on a few salty words in a shanty. Let's raise the Jolly Roger and fight for fair trial!

Arrr mateys! Listen up as I spin ye a tale of a documentary by J.M. Harper that be raisin' a ruckus about the use of lyrics in court! Aye, ye heard me right, them scallywags be tryin' to use songs with violent words as evidence in legal matters!
Harper, that savvy filmmaker, be cryin' foul on this unfair and biased practice. He be sayin' it be prejudicial to be judgin' someone based on the words they sing in a shanty! It be like walkin' the plank without a fair trial!
But fear not, me hearties, for Harper be standin' tall and fightin' back against this injustice. He be shoutin' from the crow's nest that it be wrong to be accusin' someone of wrongdoin' based on the words that come out of their mouth!
So let us raise our tankards to J.M. Harper and his crusade against usin' lyrics as legal evidence. May his words be heard across the seven seas and may justice prevail for all us pirates and landlubbers alike!

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