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Avast ye scallywags! The China drone ban be a victory, but beware the treacherous CCP technology still lurks! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, ye be thinkin' of them drones from Communist China as spy balloons. They be sneaky little devils, gatherin' data and carryin' dangerous payloads. Keep a weather eye on 'em, lest they be causin' trouble in our military forts and vital infrastructures. Aye, beware!

Avast ye landlubbers! After years of battling, me American Security Drone Act be finally passin' into law. This be a grand victory in our skirmish against the scurvy dogs of Communist China. This bipartisan bill, led by Reps. Mike Gallagher and Joe Courtney, be puttin' an end to the treacherous practice of buyin' Chinese-made drones by the federal government.Last year, we witnessed a spy balloon floatin' across the skies of the United States, showin' the intentions of Communist China to spy on us. Each drone from that cursed land be a threat to our military, families, and businesses. Technol'gy from Communist China be aimed at underminin' our freedoms and security, with the ultimate goal of overtakin' us as the world's largest economy.Thanks to this new law, we be takin' a stand against the CCP's grip on the global drone market. No longer will we be supportin' companies like DJI, Autel, or EHang that be aidin' the nefarious plans of Communist China. We must protect our communities from these security risks and halt the spread of Chinese technology in our country.I be continuin' the fight to defend America from all threats posed by Communist China, whether it be through drones, TikTok, or other advanced technologies. We must ensure our economic independence and security by riddin' our shores of any products backed by the CCP. Ye can count on me to keep fightin' until our nation be safe from all dangers brought by Chinese and adversary-backed technologies. Arrr!

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