The Booty Report

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Arrr! Netanyahu be sayin' the Yanks be backin' Israel in this quarrel with Biden. Aye, aye, captain!


Arrr, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, be claimin' that most of the land lubbers in America be standin' by Israel's fightin' in Gaza, despite President Biden talkin' 'bout peace. Looks like this be one battle that be far from over, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be speakin' in the language of victory, sayin' that the majority of Americans be supportin' Israel in their campaign in Gaza. In a video message, Netanyahu be boastin' of his political campaign to gain support for Israel and thwart efforts to end the war prematurely. He be claimin' significant success, pointin' to a poll showin' more than 80% of Americans stand with Israel.The Prime Minister be celebratin' this support, sayin' it gives them strength to continue the fight until they achieve absolute victory. Meanwhile, President Biden be hopin' for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, aimin' for the release of hostages by early next week. Netanyahu be suggestin' a delay in an Israeli offensive if a cease-fire deal be reached, but still believes total victory be within reach in Gaza.Talks for a deal be takin' place in Qatar, with hopes of bringin' an end to the conflict in the near future. Stay tuned for more adventures on the high seas of international diplomacy!

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