The Booty Report

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Crafty swab sneaks onto flying vessel, causing chaos and delay for many moons. Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been rumored that a scurvy rat did stowaway on a Sri Lankan vessel, causin' the ship to be marooned for three days! Avast ye, I be thinkin' that rat be wantin' to join the crew for a swashbucklin' adventure on the high seas!

Sri Lanka's national airline had a bit of a scare when a rat was discovered onboard one of their planes during a flight from Pakistan to Sri Lanka. The plane had to be grounded for three days in order to spray it with rat poison and check for any potential damage caused by the rodent. The airline made sure to address the situation before resuming operations, stating that they couldn't fly the plane until the stowaway rat was found and dealt with, which unfortunately turned out to be deceased.Despite the humorous nature of the incident, the airline still suffered delays due to the unplanned grounding of the aircraft. This rat escapade is not the first of its kind, as there have been other instances of animals causing chaos on flights, such as an otter and a rat causing commotion on a flight from Bangkok to Taiwan. In that case, the animals were discovered along with other creatures in a passenger's luggage, leading to a hefty penalty for smuggling.Overall, the airline industry certainly experiences its fair share of unexpected events, from rats on planes to passengers attempting to transport a menagerie of animals in their carry-on luggage.

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