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Ye scallywag Colombian warlord be sent back to his land after payin' for his crimes in the US. Arrr!


Arrr, Colombian scoundrel Salvatore Mancuso be sent back to his homeland after swabbing the decks in the United States. Victims be prayin' he spills the beans on the vanishin' acts. Mayhaps he'll walk the plank for his crimes! Aye!

Colombian warlord Salvatore Mancuso has returned to his native country after serving a drug trafficking sentence in the United States. Despite requests to be sent to Italy, his other country of citizenship, Mancuso was deported to Colombia where he arrived wearing a green helmet and bulletproof vest. Human rights organizations and government officials in Colombia hope he will cooperate with the justice system to provide information about crimes committed during the conflict with leftist rebels in the 1990s and 2000s.Mancuso, a former paramilitary leader, has been judged responsible for over 1,500 acts of murder and disappearances. He seeks a reduced sentence and possible release through a transitional justice system. Victims of the conflict are looking to him to reveal the truth about the involvement of politicians and other figures in war crimes.Despite his wealthy upbringing as a cattle rancher, Mancuso turned to drug trafficking to finance his armed group and was sentenced in 2015. His extradition to the US in 2008 slowed down investigations into his crimes. Critics allege the surprise extradition was a ploy to prevent him from exposing ties with Colombia's political elite.Colombia's government sees Mancuso's return as crucial for investigating war crimes, but concerns remain for his safety as he may reveal sensitive information. Despite being in prison, he has been given a role in peace negotiations by the current administration, which is engaged in talks with rebel groups.

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