The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ghana's scallywags be passin' a bill against the poofy pirates, sendin' 'em to the brig for a spell!


Arrr mateys, the laws be sayin' that if ye be flyin' the rainbow flag or talkin' about yer love for the same sex, ye be thrown in the brig for three years! 'Tis a punishment fit for scallywags, the likes of which be unheard of on these African shores! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of injustice on the high seas of Africa! The scallywags in charge be passin' a law that be sendin' those who be claimin' to be part of the L.G.B.T.Q. crew to the brig for three long years! And if ye be caught spreadin' the word 'bout gay matters, ye be facin' punishment too! 'Tis said to be one of the harshest laws on the entire continent!
Shiver me timbers! What be happenin' to the world when folks can't be free to love who they please? 'Tis a sad day indeed when the powers that be be tryin' to silence those who be different. But fear not, me hearties, for the winds of change be blowin' in our favor. We pirates be standin' tall and proud, fightin' for the right of all to love and live as they choose!
So let us raise our mugs of grog and toast to a future where all can sail the seas of life without fear of persecution! And remember, me hearties, no matter how rough the waters may be, we pirates be standin' strong together against injustice and tyranny!

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