The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scallywags be claimin' the Paris Olympics security plans were not pilfered in a digital raid, avast!


Fear not, me hearties! The scallywags may have stolen some fancy computer gear, but rest assured, the plans for the Olympic Games remain safe and sound. Paris City Hall officials have sworn on their pirate honor to keep our precious booty protected. Aye, we be ready for battle!

Avast ye mateys! Paris City Hall be assurin' all ye scallywags that no plans for policin' the upcoming Olympic Games be lost in the theft o' computer gear! A worker be losin' a bag containin' a computer an' USB keys aboard a train at Gare du Nord station, but fear not, for the initial checks show no critical information be taken.Arrr! French broadcaster BFMTV be spreadin' rumors that security plans be stolen, but the Paris prosecutor's office be callin' the coverage "hasty." The USB key in question be encrypted an' only contained notes on traffic in Paris durin' the Games, not sensitive security plans.In a city plagued by villainous attacks, security be the top concern for Paris Games organizers. The worker's computer gear be holdin' notes for internal use, related to IT work for the Paris traffic department.An investigation be underway to find the scallywag responsible for the breaches in security procedures, an' if found guilty, punishments will be meted out. So fear not, me hearties, for the Olympic Games in Paris be safe from harm!

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