The Booty Report

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Arrr, the DariƩn Gap migration be thwarted as Colombia be snatchin' up the boat captains! Aye mateys, no passage here!


Arrr! The scurvy boat captains be captured by the landlubbers! The Biden crew be beggin' Colombia to keep the sea dogs at bay and stop the flow of landlubber bound for the U.S. border. Aye, 'tis a fine mess we be in!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The boat operators be takin' a break from ferryin' migrants across the seas after them landlubbers in Colombia done arrested two captains. The Biden administration be sendin' a message to Colombia, askin' 'em to do more to stop the flow of people headin' for the U.S. border. Methinks they be wantin' those migrants to walk the plank elsewhere!
Ye see, the sea be a treacherous place, full of dangers and surprises. Them boat captains be thinkin' they can just sail across the waters without a care in the world. But Colombia be showin' them that there be consequences for their actions. It be a game of cat and mouse, with the authorities tryin' to catch them in their tracks.
So keep an eye out me hearties, for the seas be full of adventure and mischief. And remember, if ye be thinkin' of takin' a trip across the waters, watch out for them pesky authorities. They be watchin' ye every move, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. So be wise and stay safe on the high seas!

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