The Booty Report

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Arr matey, Trump be meetin' with Orban, leader of Hungary, next week. It be a jolly good time!


Arrr, the ol' captain o' the land has been sailin' with Hungary's starboard prime minister, who be makin' friends with the conservative crew in the American waters. Aye, they be plottin' their course together in the murky waters o' politics.

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags and landlubbers! The former cap'n of the United States has been in cahoots with the right-wing prime minister of Hungary, who's been cozying up to the conservative crew across the seas.
These two scurvy dogs have been sailin' in the same direction, sharin' their plunder and spreadin' their influence like a pair of connivin' pirates. They be buildin' a network of mates who be holdin' similar views and helpin' each other navigate the treacherous waters of modern politics.
But beware, me hearties! This alliance be raisin' eyebrows and drawin' criticism from those who see their actions as underminin' democracy and promotin' authoritarian rule. Some be soundin' the alarm, warnin' of the dangers of this unholy alliance between leaders who be puttin' their own interests above those of their countries.
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me buckos! The seas be rough and the winds be blowin' strong, but with a keen eye and a steady hand, we can steer clear of the dangers posed by these two schemin' scallywags.

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