The Booty Report

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Arrr, what sorcery be this? A spaceman hath landed, but where be the treasure? A curious tale indeed!


Arrr mateys, Adam Sandler and Carey Mulligan be sailin' through the stars in a bewildering Netflix flop 'bout a bloke gallivantin' in the heavens. 'Tis a tale as confusin' as navigatin' through a storm without a compass! Aye, a true misadventure o' cosmic proportions!

Arrr, mateys! Gather round as I regale ye with a tale of a most confounding Netflix flick starring the likes of Adam Sandler and Carey Mulligan. 'Tis a yarn about a man adrift in the vast expanse of space, lost and bewildered like a landlubber in a storm.
Ye may be wonderin' how such a misfire came to be, with such talent at the helm. 'Tis a mystery as deep as Davy Jones' locker, me hearties. Perhaps 'twas the cursed script that led them astray, or maybe 'twas the rum getting the best of our fine actors.
Adam Sandler, known for his comedic antics, found himself in uncharted waters, trying to navigate the treacherous terrain of a space drama. And Carey Mulligan, a fine actress in her own right, must have felt like a fish out of water in this strange new world.
So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a swashbucklin' adventure in the depths of space, ye may want to steer clear of this here misfire. Stick to the classics, like 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' and leave this baffling tale for the scallywags who dare to walk the plank of Netflix originals.

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