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Arrr, them Canadians be makin' Mexicarrrs walk the plank with them visa requirements! Ye best be ready, mateys!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs from Mexico be needin' to mind yer papers when sailin' to Canada. But fear not, ye won't be goin' back to the old ways of the landlubbers from 2016. Fair winds and calm seas on yer journey, me hearties!

In a turn of events that would make even the most seasoned pirate scratch his head in confusion, Canada has decided to slap some visa requirements back on Mexican nationals looking to visit the great northern land. Arrr, Quebec’s premier has been complaining about the influx of refugees, saying it be causing a strain on the resources. The official who spilled the beans on this news did so on the down low, as they weren’t supposed to talk before the big announcement on Thursday. The new rules be taking effect soon, but don’t be thinking it be a complete return to the way things were back in 2016.Ahoy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government be lifting the visa requirements for Mexican visitors just a few years back, but now they be changin’ course faster than a ship caught in a storm. The Immigration Minister be sayin’ that asylum claims from Mexico be risin’ faster than the tide when the moon be full. With these changes, Canada be hopin’ to put a stop to illegal crossings into the U.S. via their northern border, savvy?Now, down in Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador be gettin’ all riled up about these new measures from Canada. He be sayin’ that Mexico’s been treated with disrespect by their North American neighbors, and that they be tryin’ to impose restrictions on their migration flows. He be warnin’ that if the treatment don’t be respectful, he won’t be attendin’ the North American Leaders’ Summit in April. Looks like there be rough seas ahead for these two countries, mateys.

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