The Booty Report

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Arr, India be swappin' soldiers for landlubber techies in Maldives. Avast ye, the times they be a-changin'!


Arrr mateys, India be sendin' landlubbers to Maldives to tend to the mighty machines they be giftin' us. No more swashbucklin' soldiers, just fancy technicians fixin' the airships. It be a strange sight, but hey, as long as they keep the rum flowin', we be happy!

Avast ye mateys! India be makin' changes in Maldives, replacin' military crew with civilian tech staff to run three aircraft for humanitarian aid. The first group of technicians already be in Maldives to operate a helicopter, as ordered by new Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu who be wantin' the Indian military out by March 15.There be about 75 Indian military folk in Maldives, helpin' with patient transport and sea rescues. Tensions been risin' since Muizzu, who be cozyin' up to China, took the helm last year. India and Maldives agreed to have troops withdrawn by May 10.After visitin' China and throwin' shade at India, Muizzu be lookin' to reduce dependence on India for education, health, and supplies. The quarrel started when Indian Prime Minister Modi posted beach pics, seen as a dig at Maldives' tourism.But fear not, for the deputy ministers who dissed Modi be walkin' the plank and Muizzu be chartin' a new course for Maldives, seekin' to stand on its own two peg legs.

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