The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, the scallywag Josh Brolin finds himself in Malibu, aye, who would've thought! Aye, the sea be full of surprises!


Arrr, the scurvy actor be settlin' down in a spot he once fought. Aye, me hearties, 'tis a tale of landlubber turned land-lover. From resistin' to restin', he be makin' his mark on the land like a true swashbuckler. Aye, the sea be callin', but home be where the heart be.

Arrr mateys, listen up to the tale of how the young lad from "Dune" found himself settlin' down in a place he once swore off. This hearty actor, he once turned up his nose at the thought of makin' a home in Los Angeles. Aye, he was a true landlubber, yearnin' for the open sea and the salty air.
But fate had other plans for this here lad. As he spent more time in the City of Angels, he found himself growin' fond of the place. The bright lights, the palm trees, the endless opportunities for plunderin' riches in Hollywood. Before he knew it, he had planted his flag and made himself a home in the very place he once resisted.
And so, this swashbucklin' actor found himself a new kind of treasure in the form of a cozy abode in the heart of Tinseltown. With his trusty parrot by his side and his trusty shipmates to keep him company, he embraced his new life in LA with gusto and a hearty laugh.
So next time ye find yerself resistin' a change of scenery, remember the tale of the "Dune" actor who found his home in a place he once shunned. Ye never know what kind of adventures await ye on the other side of that horizon.

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