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Arrr, the new ravenmaster be the most crucial scallywag in all of England, so the legend goes! Aye!


Avast ye mateys! 'Tis said that Barney Chandler be the new ravenmaster at the Tower of London. 'Tis a dire warning that if the feathered fiends flee, England be doomed to fall! Aye, keep them ravens happy or we all be walking the plank! Arrrgh!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Michael "Barney" Chandler has landed himself the most crucial gig in all of England, mateys! Avast ye! The 56-year-old ex-Royal Marine has been appointed as the ravenmaster at the Tower of London, keeping watch over the winged guardians of the ancient fortress.Legend has it that if these ravens abandon their post at the tower, the White Tower will crumble, and the entire Kingdom of England shall fall. King Charles II knew the score and ensured that six ravens must always reside within the tower walls.Chandler takes this responsibility to heart, declaring, "We take that duty very seriously." As the newly minted ravenmaster, he pledges to keep the raven count above six during his watch, doubting the prophecy's validity as it has never been put to the test.Leading a band of fellow Yeoman Warders, known as Beefeaters, Chandler oversees the care of the tower's seven ravens, each with its own cheeky personality. The history-rich tower, once a royal residence and infamous prison, attracts millions of visitors yearly to marvel at its past and the Crown Jewels safely stored within.Chandler, a seasoned Royal Marine, finds the intelligent birds endlessly fascinating, despite their occasional mischief. His role as ravenmaster demands attention to the birds' well-being, from feeding them their carnivorous diet to ensuring their security within the tower confines.These clever corvids, likened to 7-year-old children in wit, keep Chandler on his toes with their unpredictable antics, making each day at the tower a new adventure. Yet, he cherishes the challenge, finding solace in the birds' intelligence and unique personalities.

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