The Booty Report

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Arr, Kenya be sendin' 1,000 sea dogs to Haiti to keep the scallywags in line in the Caribbean!


Arrr, the scallywags in them two lands be carryin' on with their scheme, despite the complaints of the Kenyan do-gooders and the objections of a Kenyan court. Aye, 'tis a fine mess they've gotten themselves into!

Arrr mateys! Ye see, them two countries be plannin' to move forward with their scheme, even though some landlubbers in Kenya be complainin' and a Kenyan court be raisin' objections. But do they care? Nay, they be carryin' on with their plot like fearless pirates sailin' the high seas!
Them Kenyan rights groups be squawkin' and squallin', but those countries be payin' them no mind. They be marchin' forward with their plan, like a pirate with a peg leg marchin' into battle. They be showin' no fear, no hesitation!
It be a sight to behold, me hearties! Them countries be like a ship sailin' straight into a storm, not carin' about the waves or the thunder. They be determined, they be bold!
So let them critics and doubters talk all they want. Them countries be movin' ahead like true pirates, ready to plunder and conquer whatever lays ahead. Arrr, it be a grand tale of bravery and defiance on the high seas of diplomacy!

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