The Booty Report

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Arrr, young Sean Ono Lennon aided his folks in spreadin' a missive far 'n wide, aye!


Arr, to keep their swashbucklin' legend alive for the wee ones, he toiled on the ditty "War Be Over! Inspired by the Melodies of John & Yoko." Now it be settin' sail for an Oscar plunder! Aye, may the winds of fortune blow in our favor, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up! There be this scallywag who be workin' on a short film called “War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko.” Aye, ye heard it right, John & Yoko! This lad be wantin' to keep their legacy alive for a new generation, savvy?
And guess what? This little film of his be gettin' nominated for an Oscar! Aye, the highest honor in all the seven seas! Can ye believe it? It be like findin' a chest full of gold at the end of a rainbow!
This fella must've put his heart and soul into this project, makin' sure it be as fine as a bottle of rum on a hot summer's day. He be sailin' the treacherous waters of showbiz, dodgin' all them sharks and sea monsters, but in the end, he be comin' out triumphant!
So let's raise a toast to this brave soul and his film! May it bring joy and laughter to all who lay eyes on it, and may it inspire many more to keep the legacy of John & Yoko alive for generations to come. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Aye, that be the pirate's life for me!

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