The Booty Report

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Ahoy mateys! The scallywags at Fox News Opinion be chattin' about Gavin Newsom's 'sausage-making' and Ric Flair's scurvy haters. Arrr!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Feast yer eyes upon the news from Fox Opinion, and lay yer peepers on the moving pictures of Sean Hannity and Raymond Arroyo. 'Tis sure to shiver yer timbers and tickle yer funny bone! Aye!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties! Let's be talkin' 'bout the latest on Fox News, ye scurvy dogs. First up, the Fox News host, Hannity, be unpackin' the visits to the Texas border by President Biden and former President Trump. Arrr, matey, ye best be checkin' out the full story here.Next up, Hugh Hewitt be talkin' 'bout a wall on the southern border as a key to fundin' for Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. Avast, ye can read more on this here.Newsom's California be a mess of crime, aye, and a warnin' to the nation. Ye can read all 'bout it here.Gutfeld be sayin' Gavin Newsom be makin' deals for his donor pals in a right 'sausage-making' fashion. Arrr, read more here.Joe Concha be askin' voters one question 'bout Trump and Biden visits to the border. Find out more here.And don't be forgettin' to ignore the haters, me hearties! The Nature Boy be sayin' so. Watch more here.Why be plastic bag bans failin', ye ask? Learn more here.What did Karol see at the border, ye wonder? Read all 'bout it here.First Lady Jill Biden be throwin' big support to women's health research, to the tune of $100 million! Read more here.And lastly, check out the Cartoon of the Day, me hearties! Check out all of our political cartoons…

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