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Arrr, Iran be holdin' their first parliament election since the mass 2022 protests o'er them mandatory hijab laws!


Arrr, Iran be havin' its first parliament vote since the 2022 ruckus o'er them mandatory hijab laws and poor Mahsa Amini's demise. But them scurvy reformist politicians be walkin' the plank, mateys! Aye, 'tis a fine mess they be in!

Iran held its first parliamentary election since mass protests over mandatory hijab laws and the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody. There are concerns about voter turnout, as polling stations in Tehran seemed empty despite calls from officials to vote. The election mostly features conservative or hard-line candidates, as reformists have been largely barred from running.The country's economy continues to struggle under Western sanctions due to nuclear and militia proxy issues. Some voters acknowledge the challenges facing Iran, expressing sadness and criticism.Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 84, urged people to vote as Iran's enemies and friends are watching. Hard-line President Ebrahim Raisi echoed this sentiment, urging a glorious day for Iran. The parliament, controlled by hard-liners, holds oversight over the executive branch.The election follows protests and calls to overthrow the clerical rulers, with boycott calls gaining traction. Iranian state television showed crowded polling stations, but reports suggest low voter turnout in Tehran.Security forces are heavily deployed across the country, with over 59,000 polling stations open. Voting-age population estimates are at 61 million, with polling places open until 8 p.m. Initial results are expected by Saturday.

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