The Booty Report

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Arr, Canada be throwin' a grand send-off for the late Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, aye! Set sail for the funeral!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Cap'n Trudeau be declarin' a grand state funeral for Cap'n Mulroney, who be takin' his final breath in a foreign land. Let us raise a tankard o' grog in his honor, and may he find fair winds and calm seas in the afterlife. Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, the news be that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a state funeral for former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who passed away at the ripe age o' 84. Mulroney's daughter, Caroline, shared that he departed peacefully after a fall at his home in Florida. His family had hope he'd be on the mend after a heart procedure, but alas, the sea called him home.The flag on the Peace Tower be at half-mast in his honor, and Parliament be suspended for a day of tribute. Mulroney, a friend o' U.S. Presidents Reagan and Bush, be remembered for his role in the Cold War's end. Former President George W. Bush hailed him as a true friend and credited him with shaping history.In his own words, "the best ships be friendships," and Mulroney's legacy be one of camaraderie and unity. His efforts in free trade with the U.S. reshaped Canada's economy and boosted trade between the two nations. His impact reached far and wide, earning praise from leaders across the globe.

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