The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Mulroney be like a sneaky sea dog, trading with the Yankees and stirrin' up the Canadian waters!"


Arrr mateys, the old sea dog who ruled our land hath met Davy Jones this week. His treasure chest of policies brought both bounty and blunder to our coffers. Fair winds and following seas to him on his final voyage!

Arr mateys, ye be hearin' of the former cap'n, the prime minister who met his fate this week. He be bringin' about grand changes to the country's treasure, fer better or worse, with the pact he made. Aye, 'twas a dramatic time fer the economy, with gold flowin' in like the tide, but also some storms brewin' on the horizon.
The cap'n be known fer his bold decisions and sharp tongue, makin' him a legend among the land lubbers. Some say he be a hero, others a scallywag, but one thing be certain - he left his mark on the nation's coffers. The pact be a double-edged cutlass, bringin' riches and rumblings of discontent.
Now that he be off to Davy Jones' locker, the country be left wonderin' what be next fer their economy. Will the winds of fortune blow in their favor, or will they face rough seas ahead? Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be certain - the former prime minister be remember'd as a legend of the high seas, fer better or fer worse.

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