The Booty Report

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Arrr, Colombia's special word for 'ye' be 'usted' matey. Give it a try and see!


Arrr matey! Two centuries pass since we broke free from the Spanish scallywags, yet many Colombians still be usin' "sumercé," meanin' "your mercy" in their daily speak. Aye, 'tis a true fact, me hearties!

In the language of us swashbuckling pirates from the 17th century, it be a curious sight indeed to see these Colombians still usin' such fanciful language as “sumercé” after two hundred years since castin' off the chains of the Spanish rulers. Arrr, it be like a blast from the past, me hearties!
But shiver me timbers, it be a right friendly term, meanin' “your mercy” and used as a polite address in everyday conversation. Aye, 'tis a bit like sayin' “your grace” or “your honor” to show respect to yer mateys.
So if ye ever find yerself in the lively streets of Colombia, don't be surprised if a friendly local tips their hat and greets ye with a hearty “sumercé.” Just remember to respond in kind, with a smile and a nod, to keep the good vibes flowin' like the rum at a pirate's party!

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