The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, mateys! Los Angeles be swimmin' in more rain than a mermaid's bath! Aye, a record February it be!


Arrr mateys, last month be the fourth-soggiest February in the city's records. 'Twas like walkin' the plank through a never-endin' rainstorm. I be hopin' the weather gods be kinder to us scallywags this month!

Arrr mateys, last month be a real soaker in our fair city, mark me words! The skies opened up like the treasure chests of ol' Blackbeard himself, with more rain than ye can shake a cutlass at. 'Twas the fourth-wettest February ever recorded, aye, and the streets were like a drowned rat's nest.
But fear not, me hearties, for we pirates be a tough bunch! We sailed through those stormy seas like true swashbucklers, with our boots squishing in the muck and our hats dripping like a leaky ship. The taverns were full of sodden sailors, trading tales of woe and wetness.
But even in the midst of all that rain, there be a silver lining to be found. The rivers swelled like a pirate's chest after a successful plunder, and the crops be growing as lush as a mermaid's hair. So batten down the hatches and weather the storm, me hearties, for the sun be shining on the horizon. And remember, as any good pirate knows, a little rain never hurt anyone – except maybe a parrot or two!

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