The Booty Report

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Avast ye! A landlubber turned squatter be causin' trouble in Queens with sewage floods and demands for gold. Arrr!


Arrr, ye scallywags be fightin' o'er a piece o' land in Queens, New York! The battle between the land-lovin' couple and the squatter be settlin' in court next moon. May the best pirate win the treasure! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the Landa family hath faced a scallywag tryna take o'er their $2 million dream ship, arr! This scurvy dog be bleedin' 'em dry by abusin' utilities and causin' a sewage flood, arr! "He be a crafty one, knowin' how t' work the system on his own, livin' rent-free, rentin' out rooms, and vandalizin'," Joseph Landa griped. They be hopin' their tale will warn others 'bout the dangers o' dealin' with squatters, arr!Brett Flores, the swindler in question, be refusin' t' leave the Douglaston home after the old salt he cared for passed away, claimin' he had permission, arr! The Landas, who've been sailin' in these waters for 40 years, bought the house next door for their sons to live in and care for their brother with Down syndrome once they depart this mortal coil, arr!Flores be demandin' o'er $100,000 t' vacate the premises, and the Landas be willin' t' pay, but fearin' his shady past deeds, they've hired a guard, arr! This scallywag be accused o' floodin' the yard, drivin' up their bills, and rentin' out rooms on the sly, arr! The Landas be in a bind, unable t' oust him without a court decree and sheriff's aid, arr!

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