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Arrr, Cambodiar's gallant post-Khmer Rouge Phnom Penh Post be walkin' the plank, ceasin' to print on paper!


Arrr mateys, the Phnom Penh Post, once a mighty ship sailin' the seas of news in two languages, be lowerin' its anchor for the last time. No more ink on paper for this vessel, aye, the end be nigh. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties.

In a land far, far away known as Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the mighty Phnom Penh Post, a newspaper founded in the year of our Lord 1992, has announced that it will cease to exist in print form by the end of this month. Yarrr, it be a sad day indeed for the independent media in this land of war and unrest, mateys!The Post, started as a humble English-language biweekly, later added a Khmer edition and even began publishing daily in 2008. But alas, it be facing financial troubles due to a pandemic-related economic downturn and the rise of that cursed social media!Despite the grim news, the current CEO confirmed that the Post will continue to sail the digital seas. But beware, as the government under Prime Minister Hun Sen has been cracking down on independent media since 2017, forcing many a newspaper to walk the plank.The Post, founded with the help of the United Nations, aimed to recover from the dark days of Khmer Rouge rule in the late 1970s. It faced competition from The Cambodia Daily and served as a training ground for young journalists, but ultimately fell into the hands of a Malaysian investor linked to the ruling party.As the sun sets on the Phnom Penh Post, we remember its brave journalism in the face of adversity. May its digital sails catch the winds of change and continue to shine a light in the darkness of media suppression.

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