The Booty Report

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Arrr! Rich lad be tyin' th' knot, makin' waves wit' fancy guests 'n grand festivities fer all t' see!


Arrr matey, ye wouldn't believe the grandeur of the nuptials for the scurvy dog son of one of India's wealthiest buccaneers! Three days of revelry fit for a king, it be the talk of the seven seas for years to come!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! I've got a tale to tell ye about a grand celebration fit for a king - or in this case, the son of one of India's wealthiest scallywags. This three-day pre-wedding shindig be like no other, with more opulence and extravagance than ye can shake a cutlass at!
There be feasting and revelry aplenty, with a guest list longer than the plank on a pirate ship. The food be as plentiful as the treasures in a pirate's chest, with no expense spared to ensure the guests be wined and dined like royalty. And the entertainment - well, let's just say it be more extravagant than a pirate's parrot wearing a diamond-encrusted eyepatch!
From traditional Indian dances to modern musical performances, this be a celebration that will be talked about in taverns and ports across the seven seas. So raise ye tankards and toast to the happy couple, for they be setting the bar for extravagant festivities higher than the crow's nest on a tall ship!

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