The Booty Report

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Arrr! King Harald V be gettin' a newfangled contraption in Malaysia to keep his heart a-beatin'! Aye, mateys!


Arr matey! After the old king caught a nasty bug, they be stickin' a contraption in 'im to help sail 'im back to his homeland of Norway. Mayhaps 'tis a new fangled compass to guide 'im home safe and sound! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The monarch, 87 years of age, caught a nasty infection, so his royal crew decided to stick a fancy device in him. But fear not, me hearties, this contraption ain't no curse or black magic. Nay, it be a device meant to help transport him back to Norway, his homeland, safe and sound.
Now, ye might be wonderin' what kinda device could do such a thing. Well, let me tell ye, it ain't no treasure map or compass. 'Tis a modern contraption, hidden inside the monarch's body, workin' its magic to get him home in one piece. Aye, 'tis a strange world we live in, where kings have machines inside 'em!
So, me buckos, next time ye see a monarch sailin' back to Norway, don't be surprised if ye hear the whirr of machinery. 'Tis just the king gettin' a little help from his trusty device. And let's all raise a glass to the wonders of modern technology, keepin' our royal friends safe on their journeys across the high seas!

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