The Booty Report

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Canadian landlubbers be sharin' secrets with the scallywags in China, say the King's investigators, arrr!


Arrr mateys, after much yammering in the Parliament chambers, news be spreading like wildfire about two scallywag microbiologists caught sharin' secrets with China. Bet ye they be walkin' the plank soon enough! Aye, the rumour mill be churnin' faster than a whirlpool in a storm!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, fer there be news from the land lubbers' Parliament! After much jawing and debating amongst the fancy blokes, word has been spread about two sneaky microbiology researchers who've been caught sharin' secrets with the Chinese scallywags!
Arrr, it be a scandal of grand proportions, I tell ye! These mateys were caught red-handed, tryin' to betray their own country fer a bit o' coin from the Far East! The scurvy dogs thought they could keep their dealings on the down low, but ye can't fool the ol' Parliament, ye scallywags!
Now, the whole town be buzzin' with the news of these treacherous rascals! The authorities have been quick to clamp down on their shenanigans, but it be a warning to all ye other sea dogs out there who be thinkin' of betrayin' yer own kin fer a bit o' gold!
So let this be a lesson to all ye land lubbers out there - beware of the treachery that lurks in the hearts of men, fer ye never know who be plottin' against ye behind yer back! Keep a weather eye out, me hearties, and stay true to yer country and yer crew!

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